Below are articles and examples that contain source code or files for downloading.
Microsoft Access Ribbon Customization Part 1 (article date: Apr-5-2009)
This is part 1 of a 4 part series on how to customize the Access 2007 ribbon and other tips related to the quick launch toolbar and navigation pane. In this example we show the basics of doing your first ribbon, how to get started and other references to learn more. In parts 2 thru 4 of this series we add functionality to the ribbon and database.
Microsoft Access Ribbon Customization Part 2 (article date: Apr-5-2009)
This is part 2 of a 4 part series on how to customize the Access 2007 ribbon and other tips related to the quick launch toolbar and navigation pane. In this example we add on to Part 1 by adding a form to run reports and show how we can use a custom ribbon for print preview.
Filtering and Data Entry – Part 1 (article date: Apr-3-2009)
This example was built to demonstrate a simple use of one form with a listbox control that lets the user filter sort, add, edit and delete records and they can optionally open the record using another form which allows form-based data entry. This example is built in Access 2000 and uses a fair amount of code to help with things like sorting and filtering.
Filtering and Data Entry – Part 2 (article date: Apr-3-2009)
This example was built to demonstrate a simple use of a Microsoft Access 2007 datasheet that lets the user filter sort, add, edit and delete records and they can optionally open the record using another form which allows form-based data entry. This example uses primarily embedded macros for the majority of the logic, see Part 3 of this series of articles for this same example using no macros and only VBA code.
Filtering and Data Entry – Part 3 (article date: Apr-3-2009)
This example was built to demonstrate a simple use of a Microsoft Access 2007 datasheet that lets the user filter sort, add, edit and delete records and they can optionally open the record using another form which allows form-based data entry. This example uses VBA code for all logic, see Part 2 of this series of articles for this same example using primarily embedded macros and very little VBA code.
Microsoft Flex Grid Example (MSFLXGRD.OCX) (article date: Apr-1-2009)
This example was built to replace a Microsoft Excel solution with Microsoft Access. In this example the MSFlex Grid is used to improve the Access interface and particulary deal with an issue of editing data from a crosstab query, while leaving the interface close to the customer’s original Excel worksheets.