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Thank you Mark and RPT Software,

I am very pleased to say that the database manager you created has turned out perfectly. I am impressed with your ability to take abstract ideas and information from someone with no programming background and turn them into the finished product that is desired. The mortgage industry sales process is different than most sales industries, which requires a different style of database tracking. My office couldn’t be happier with the way you completed this goal for us and have seen production increase already.

I researched many hosted Database Managers from respected industry providers like Sales Force.com and Leads 360.com; while the service they provide can be or is tailored to what we require, the setup costs and ongoing expense could not compete with the service you provided. I have to say the level of customer service is beyond what anyone could expect. You responded to all my emails with progress and even called me while you were on vacation hiking with your family.

To anyone in need of a Genius’ work at an affordable investment, Mark Andrews and RPT Software are you best choice and investment into your businesses future, especially if you are in sales.

Thank you again and I will be in touch with any updates needed.


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Production Manager/Mortgage Planner
Metropolis Funding, Inc